
Friday, February 1, 2013


So today is February 1st.   It has been a memorable day for the past 24 years due to the fact that I gave birth to my beautiful daughter on January 31 that many years ago.    Amazing how time flies!

I remember 11 years ago, when she turned 13, I thought I might be celebrating my last birthday with her....and here we are 2013.    I have learnt that no matter what we think we know, the one thing we don't know is what is going to happen tomorrow.   Living each day is the best thing we can do.   Worrying about tomorrow or the 'what if'  only takes away from the actual time we do have to live. Being present to the NOW, means that no matter what happens we lived.

  I must admit this way of thinking did not come immediately and still is allusive at times. The main point is that I try and have done so since I was diagnosed.  When we celebrated her birthday so many years ago, I made a decision that presents, gifts and material things were not as important as memories of the day.   That year we went to Toronto and saw the Lion was incredible and I have vivid memories of each thing we did that day......a material gift would have been long gone by now....but the memories are a gift that keeps on giving.  Yesterday was another one of those days.    We had a small party, with balloons ( I hate balloons and never wanted her to have now she is old enough!), good food, great laughs, people who meant alot to us of all ages (the three year old made it really fun).   It is amazing how children can bring out the fun in all of us......even when they turn 24!!!!   So more memories to store for those times when I need a lift. 

The other neat thing is that the whole meal was gluten free.    I made the most amazing lasagna with rice noodles, Cesar salad with gluten free croutons and a home made ice cream cake!   So one of the memories is how good the food tasted (if I do say so myself) and how full I was afterwards :)

So, I shared another birthday and for that I am grateful.   Now if I could just find someone to come in and clean up I could just sit back and relive the memory!!!!!!   

1 comment:

Birdie said...

* Happy Birthday*
★。※ to ※。★your daughter。☆¤


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to you!