Well the new year has begun and so far my biggest resolution is to remember to write 2013 on my cheques!!!!!....yes I still write cheques b/c I am old and don't like to give up everything old at the same time. I do have an IPhone and a laptop so I have entered the 21st century but want to hang onto some of the past too.....I guess you already knew that as I also blog which is a relatively NEW invention!!!!
Did you know that January is named after the goddess, Janus. She was believed to be able to see both forward and backward. So she could still see the old year while looking ahead to the new year. I think that is poignant....we need to reflect on both at this time of year. Not that we shouldn't do it more often than once a year, but as a species we seem to work better when we set certain time and space aside to mark events and activities. Isn't that why we celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, celebrations etc.? We could celebrate 365 days of the year but imagine how tired we would be...so instead we have dates we can justify having a bit more fun, or more reflection than others.....thus January....time to look back on the themes that have been present in the past year and look forward to what they might mean for the coming year....
So I am really seeing a theme over the past few months in my life. I am reflecting on it and trying to come to some sense of what I am being called to do. I am not yet prepared to share what that might be but I have started a new regime in my life to help it unfold.
So, a new year, a new outlook, and hopefully continued health in order to develop my new ideas!!!!!
What's new in your life!!!!?????
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