
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Events still happen while I wait!

Its taken me a couple of days to get my thoughts together enough to write.   As I knew it would be, the appointment was quick and to the point.   The doctor, true to his word believed that I knew something was happening and just decided we would go ahead and do tests.   Blood tests done, and a CT scan to come.  So, now we wait, and then figure out what comes next.   Another poignant event allowed me to realize the blessings that I have had just by still being here.   Got to see a very good friend's daughter get married....seems like yesterday she and my daughter were sharing stories and miseries about being the children of  Chaplains.   Now she is a married woman!    Made me wonder if I will live to see my own daughter marry.   Any parent must wonder those thoughts from time to time, but I know that I have thought things like that many many times.   Wondered if I would see her graduate grade eight, see her turn 16, graduate from high many frames I have had the grace to fill and see her grow.   The next frame is her least that's the one I think is never knows!

So, not a bad weekend, and something to boost my spirits.......but still I wait to hear what comes next.


Birdie said...

There are no words sometimes. I can promise you that I am sitting here with my fingers crossed and I am praying.

Pat said... are we all!

Marilou said...

All appendages crossed....