
Friday, March 22, 2019

Still alive and kicking (sort of )

It has been so long (years actually) since I even felt like writing.   So much has changed and yet so much has remained the same.   I am still in my remission from my surgery in January 2015 - four years ago now.   I have learnt to live with the lack of use of my right leg, even though I still curse at its lose.   I no longer feel any great need to go into detail when people point to my brace and say "oh what happened".  Initially, people seemed surprised that someone as young as I would have joint problems but that seems to be getting less and less as I age.  I guess I am finally entering the senior scene and its more expected that knee and hips are deteriorating lol.     Now I just smile and say "ya I had surgery" and move along.   No time to go into ghastly details and no one really cares anyways.   I think it is just a conversation opener.

I have started doing weddings again and it is life giving.   The interesting thing is that the young couples I wed are so self absorbed they rarely if ever ask about my brace and cane.   Its sort of refreshing in a way :)

I am also now the grandmother of two beautiful children.   One girl and one boy.   Who would have thought so many years ago that I would obtain this lofty divine office.   It is the best of times in many ways .   Your own children don't quiet adore you in the same way your grandchildren do.  If I had the grandchildren first I might have had a dozen!

So as I said, some things change and some things stay the same.    Life continues in a myriad of ways both good and bad but waking up breathing every days gives me an opportunity to do one more thing or nothing at all.   My choice.

Maybe, I will continue to write .    We will see what tomorrow brings :))